Jo MMailman Stories
3 min readDec 16, 2019

Thirty Day Writing Challenge — Day 1

My name is Jo Anne Miraflor and I prefer to be called — Jo.

The first thing you need to know about me is that I am on a quest.

I want to be a copywriter.

I have rebuilt my identity many times before and I did not have a hard time doing so, because I tend to have a very vivid imagination.

But that identity was never the whole entity of who I was. They were just little versions of me.

I of course still don’t know what that whole version of ME is.

Nobody truly does (at least this is what I think).

If you’re one of the lucky few who does, please let me know because I would like to interview you on how you’ve arrived to that conclusion. :))

I believe that each one of us — regardless of how clear we are, of who we are, right now — will always be a work in progress.

Something within us is always bound to change and bound to grow — hopefully always for the better.

We are always creating a better version of who we think we want to become.

This is after all, human nature.

The moment we achieve a goal for ourselves, we must always be able to pivot towards another level that drives us to get up in the morning and start our day.

For me, this form of creation is in the written word.

I once dreamt of becoming a writer.

I then wanted to become a writer.

I dabbled writing for our University Paper and have completed three volumes of journals now, which I may or may not pass on to my future daughter/s someday.

I envisioned being able to write that one great book one day — the same way Jo March of The Little Women envisioned doing the same.

The difference between her and I, is that she actually went on and did it, despite how the literary word was only for men at the time.

But enough dreaming, wanting and envisioning! — (although envisioning does help quite a bit)

As of this moment I have decided to give myself that pivot towards the next level that drives me and hopefully would drive me for a very long time, every single morning.

This is going to be DAY 1 of my:


I am liking this idea more and more — even as my brain

begins to dwell on it. I’m getting more uncomfortable with

the possibility that I may end up not finishing what I started.

Now, dear reader this is where you enter the picture.

You shall be my accountability coach.

I welcome any comments on grammar, punctuation marks, misspelled words

and even writing tone.

Or perhaps you might — just a little bit — actually enjoy my entries and

let me know about it?

That would definitely make my day.

Whatever the case, I will take everything you say into

consideration — as I have always been one who is

open to constructive feedback.

At the end of the day however, it is I who shall really hold myself

accountable for this spur-of-the-moment idea that has sprung into

a life of its own.

And so, there you go dear reader.

Right now, this is my story.

And I too am curious how things will unfold.

