Dear Me,

Jo MMailman Stories
4 min readJan 20, 2018


Thank you for always trying; for always giving what you can, most especially to the ones you love. Although, this time try to focus on achieving your dreams and turning them into reality. Your realized dreams are your legacy to the world.

Also, would it be possible to give a hundred percent to anything you do, just for yourself? You no longer have to prove things to anyone. Finish what you decide to start. The greatest challenge you’ve always had is that you’re awesome at starting new ideas. Then you procrastinate and rationalize what you’re doing until you doubt yourself. This eventually makes you lose your momentum or interest and leave things undone. You must change this.

Thank you for always making the best of what you have; for making the necessary steps to being honest with yourself. You have been disturbed about the gaps of your life for quite awhile now. Yet you’ve managed to define your life’s purpose as a writer, long before you ever knew that your ultimate vision was to be one. This was a glorious moment for you; to have finally found your writer’s voice through this letter. Don’t lose it again. Remember that you are your biggest competition. You’re also your harshest critic. Doesn’t it make sense then, that you should also be your biggest fan? Pat yourself on the back every once in a while if you’ve done well. Most especially if you’ve given it your all. Be kind to yourself. It’s important to do so.

Do you remember writing to your lola (grandma)? Do you remember the excitement you felt when you finally received a reply from her? You were only three then and were pretty articulate for your age. It simply was and still is one of the most precious memories you’ll ever hold dear to your heart. Continue to seek this excitement in your life. Just like love, it may come in many different forms. You don’t have to sky dive or travel the ends of the earth to get this elated feeling. (Although travelling should be done too, as this adds experiences to an already colorful life). Excitement comes when you’re doing what you’re passionate about. It comes in creating memories with those who matter most. Remember that it’s always the little things that count. Although, grand gestures don’t hurt, the little things when done consistently and with love, outweighs any grand gesture — anytime.

Thank you for your perseverance; for enduring the different curve-balls life has thrown your way. I’m glad you always choose to see the good and still appreciate the beautiful wonders of a world that can be harsh sometimes. The journey was long and arduous, filled with much darkness at times. Up until you arrived at this peaceful sanctuary where you now live, you could’ve allowed the darkness to swallow you. But quitting was never an option. You were born a fighter — always determined and passionate — defiant through and through. So, you fought to be in the light and kept your faith: in yourself, in the good of others and most of all in The Almighty.

Thank you too, for your resourcefulness. Since the financial downfall your family had to go through, growing up as a teen all throughout your twenties while finishing school and getting a degree, always proved to be a challenge. Especially when early on, you already knew how you craved to be different. School bored the crap out of you. But in it, you found your audience — some of them perhaps unwilling to indulge in your strangeness, yet an audience all the same. You found comfort in that. You were a budding performer who was always overshadowed at home. So you settled to shine where you could, whenever you could. And with all this chaos surrounding you whilst deeply confusing, somehow pushed you to get that undergraduate degree. Now that you can finally shine on your own, you must continue to have those big dreams. Never settle again.

Thank you for always choosing love. To love and be loved; it’s what everybody yearns for. Not everyone can be brave enough to do it all over again, once they get burned by it. It’s tricky. People become cynical. They get jaded and numbed by it. You know this because at one point in your life, you became that cynic and stopped yourself from feeling for others. However, this is the beauty of love. It’s a great teacher and beats any act of selfishness out there. You couldn’t deny your true self. In the end, you always chose this four letter word and you were all the better for it.

As we get to the end of this letter, bear in mind how many times you’ve tried to strictly map out your life. When you did so, it almost always never worked out. The best outcomes of your life always came when they were unplanned or when you took those calculated risks that required some major balls; something you always had when circumstances called for it. So, thank you for your spontaneity; for being candid enough; for always allowing yourself to be amazed by anything or anyone. If that’s not magic in itself, I don’t know what is. Thank you for always moving forward; for always being brave enough to face change. God knows how much you hate it — but it’s inevitable, so you embrace it with open arms, once you’re ready for it.

Finally, thank you for always choosing to live. You are doing better than you think. Continue to move forward. You got this — and that Guy up there? — well He’s always got you. But you already knew this.

All my love,


